Gemstone Aquamarine

Aquamarine – Gemstone for February


Fabulous Aquamarine is the official birthstone for those born in March.

From the light blue of the sky to the deep blue of the ocean, Aquamarine shines over an extraordinarily beautiful range of mainly light blue colours. Fabulous Aquamarine is the official birthstone for those born in March.


Neptune - the god of the sea

Ancient Romans believed that Aquamarine was sacred to Neptune – the god of the sea. The sailors used to wear aquamarine talismans, as protection against dangers at sea. Also there was a belief that the gem had fallen from the jewel boxes of sirens and washed onto shore.

Aquamarine is one of the most popular and famous gemstones, and distinguishes itself by many perfect qualities. (more…)

Gemstone Amethyst

Amethyst – Gemstone for February


Beautiful purple Amethyst

Beautiful purple Amethyst is the official birthstone for those born in February. It was adopted by the American National Association of Jewelers in 1912.  And at the same time it’s the birthstone for the Zodiac sign of Pisces.

The word “amethyst” is Greek and means “sober”, “not drunken.” This was maybe due to a faith that amethyst can save from the effects of alcohol, but most likely the Greeks were referring to the almost wine-like color of some stones that they may have seen. (more…)